About the Project
The Biobio Legacy: Mapuche-Pehuenche Organizing and Resistance in Chile
Planning Grant
The NGO, Camino de Tierra in Chile conducted a survey of the photographic and audio material, as well as some original print documents and non-edited video materials, from the local and national struggle against the construction of hydroelectric dams in Chile's historic Biobío river. Materials include black and white and color photographs of meetings and protests, audio of a bilingual radio program and original documents of Mapuche-Pehuenche organizations. In addition to creating an inventory, this project aims to explore future endeavors for more original materials and to create partnerships with local and academic leaders and the local Mapuche-Pehuenche community.
Project Lead
Cristian Opaso, ONG Camino de Teirra
Host Institution
ONG Camino de Tierra (Chile)