About the Project

Superochistas: Collective, Amateur and Independent Uruguayan Cinema
Project Grant

During the Uruguayan dictatorship (1973-1985), several cultural activities were curtailed including cinema-going and filmmaking. Since there was no film industry, film production was reduced to two possible directions. On the one hand, films commissioned or supported by the state (mostly propaganda newsreels and documentaries); and on the other, cinema made by independent (usually amateur) filmmakers. Although there was some production in 16mm, there was an impressive number of filmmakers using Super-8 cameras to make animations, documentaries and short fictions. The goal of this project is to recover and digitize an important sample of the materials produced on Super 8 film during the period.

Project Lead

  • Felipe Bellocq, Cine Casero (Uruguay)
  • Carolina Curti, Cine Casero (Uruguay)
  • Macarena Fernandez, Cine Casero (Uruguay)
  • Julieta Keldjian, Cine Casero - Universidad Católica del Uruguay
  • Jazmín Dominguez, Cine Casero - Universidad Católica del Uruguay

Host Institution

  • Universidad Católica del Uruguay
  • Cine Casero (Uruguay)

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