About the Project

Sarajevo Under Siege: A Visual Art Archive
Planning Grant

Najveći uspjeh projekta je kreiranje multiinstitucionalnog inventara vizuelnih umjetnosti proizvedenih tokom opsade Sarajeva, koji će pružiti osnovu za digitalizovanu online arhivu i olakšati istraživanje na ovu temu. Kombinirajući različite materijale u sedam privatnih i javnih institucija, zbirka sadrži informacije o lokaciji i dostupnosti kataloga izložbi, postera, brošura, novinskih članaka i originalnih umjetničkih djela na tu temu. Ova vrsta "vodiča za pronalaženje" bit će od neprocjenjive vrijednosti istraživačima, historičarima umjetnosti, umjetnicima i svakoj zainteresiranoj javnosti u učenju višestruke prirode ratne umjetničke produkcije, poticanju istraživanja o nedovoljno proučenom, ali kritičnom trenutku u bosanskoj historiji umjetnosti, te predstavljati osnovu za potpuno digitalizovana javno dostupna arhiva.


This project successfully created a multi-institutional inventory pertaining to visual arts produced during the siege of Sarajevo (Bosnia & Herzegovina, 1992-1995). Combining a variety of materials across seven private and public institutions, the collection contains information on the location and accessibility of exhibition catalogs, posters, brochures, newspaper articles and original artworks on the subject. These resources are invaluable for researchers, art historians, artists and any interested public in learning about the multifaceted nature of wartime artistic production, encouraging research on an understudied yet critical moment in Bosnian art history, and provide the basis for a fully digitized publicly accessible archive.

Project Leads

  • Elma Hašimbegović, History Museum of Bosnia-Herzegovina
  • Elma Hodžić, History Museum of Bosnia-Herzegovina
  • Ewa Kumelowski, CETOBaC - EHESS Paris.

Host Institution

Historijski Muzej Bosne i Hercegovine

More Information

Explore Inventories

Users are encouraged to interact with the documentation in a variety of ways: to study specific facets of Sarajevan wartime art, to explore the production of specific artists, or to look at the visual arts scene as a whole through the prism of the largest unified collection of documentation on the subject. These inventories will be useful for researchers and art professionals, but also those who were simply interested in learning more about the art scene during the siege of Sarajevo.

We encourage potential archival partners to connect with us and to contribute their holdings to this ongoing archival project.

Collection inventories are now available for the holdings from seven cultural institutions in Sarajevo:

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