About the Project

The Archivo de la Sede Central del Comité de Autodefensa del Valle Apurímac-Ene, Peru
Planning Grant

[English] The collection of the Archivo de la Sede Central del Comité de Autodefensa del Valle Apurímac-Ene contains the archive of the Central Headquarter of the Self-Defense Committee of the Apurímac-Ene Valley located in the town of Pichiwillca, department of Ayacucho, Peru. The headquarter was created in 1984 as the central base of a larger network of peasant self-defense committees which was established by the rural population during the internal armed conflict between the Maoist rebel group Shining Path and the state forces (1980-2000).

[ESPAÑOL] Esta colección de la colección del Archivo de la Sede Central del Comité de Autodefensa del Valle Apurímac-Ene contiene el archivo de la oficina Central del Comité de Autodefensas del Valle de Apurímac-Ene ubicado en la localidad de Pichiwillca, departamento de Ayacucho, Perú. La oficina de los comités de autodefensa inicio sus actividades en 1984 y fue la sede central de una red de grupos civiles de autodefensa campesina. En esta organización civil participaron y resistieron comunidades del valle durante el conflicto armado interno entre el grupo rebelde maoísta Sendero Luminoso y las fuerzas estatales (1980-2000).

[QUECHUA] Kay archivupi kachkan oficina central del comité de auotdefensa del valle apurimac-Ene documentukuna, kay tarikun Pichiwillca Lllaqtapi- región de Ayacucho, Perú. Kay comité central qallarira 1984 watapi, chaypi quñukura achka comunidakunamanta campesino comitekuna. Kay comitekuna defendekura Sendero Luminosomanta, otaq Militarkunamanta ochentaiquatromanta, dosmil watakama.

Project Lead

  • Eva Willems
  • Gabriela Zamora Castellares

Host Institution

University of Marburg (Germany)

More Information

Explore the Collection

The collection is now organized and open for researcher use on site. Moreover, the inventory is a valuable research tool that contains summaries for all documents. The most unique characteristic of the collection is probably its combination of information on very serious and sensitive war-related affairs (e.g. information on military operations, testimonies of prisoners) on the one hand, and information on more ordinary day-to-day affairs (e.g. invitations for football tournaments, small communal conflicts) on the other. This gives a unique insight into the daily reality of militia governance during civil war.

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