About the Project

Archive of Fundación Guagua (Colombia)
Planning Grant

This grant seeks to preserve the archives of Fundación Guagua, a human rights NGO in Colombia, and create practices to support archival work at human rights archives across Colombia. The project is affiliated with ArchiCom, a project led by researchers at the University of Liverpool in conjunction with civil society actors in Colombia who have documented stories of victims of armed conflict. These community-held archives of human rights include victim and witness testimonies as well as documents related to previous investigation of crimes against humanity committed between 1966 and 1998. These files have been inherited and guarded by Fundación Guagua. They are highly vulnerable and require urgent protection and dissemination. This project will help to identify and prepare material for digitization, both for its preservation and to make it accessible to researchers and human rights advocates in Colombia and beyond.

Project Lead

Claire Taylor, University of Liverpool

Host Institution

The University of Liverpool (UK)

More Information

Collection Details

The MEAP funded project team partnered with the Guagua Foundation to define best practices and workflows related to archival preservation and documentation. The work focused on 60 folders of archival material that belong to the collection entitled 'Colombia Nunca Más: Capítulo Valle’ [‘Colombia Never Again: Valle Chapter]. This collection contains documents including: complaints, press cuttings, photographs, communiqués and letters, and other materials. The inventory has been anonymized by the project team and archival partners to ensure no personal or sensitive information is shared.

Explore the Colombia Nunca Más: Capítulo Valle Inventory >

ArchiCom manual: Spanish language guide for community archives

The ArchiCom manual is an illustrated manual that was researched and designed by a team led by the Universidad de Liverpool, UK, in conjunction with experts in social sciences, information science, and communication studies in Colombia. Designed specifically for the needs of volunteers in community organizations that are safeguarding and cataloguing documents in precarious situations, the manual is written in Spanish and directed in the first instance to the needs of community organizations in Colombia.

It contains the basic information necessary for good day-to-day care of documents, organizing and cataloguing information, and it translates specialist knowledge into an accessible, digestible format, with practical tips as well as helpful photocopiable sheets and forms.

Download the ArchiCom manual now(opens in a new tab)

Project Manual: Fundacón Guagua

Esta presentación tiene como objetivo proporcionar una visión integral de loselementos esenciales relacionados con la gestión de archivos en el contexto deDerechos Humanos y Memoria Histórica, específicamente adaptada a la FundaciónGuagua.

This guide aims to provide a comprehensive view of the essential elements related to archive management in the context of Human Rights and Historical Memory, specifically adapted to the Guagua Foundation.

Download the Manual anonimización Fundacón Guagua(opens in a new tab) >

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